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A Tribute for Service and Leadership

A Tribute for Service and Leadership


Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr., Ph.D., USA Retired and Mr. Christopher K. Gleason


The Inaugural Joseph E. McCarthy Visionary Leadership Award


Saturday, November 14, 2020

Virtual Program at 7:00 p.m.

With Live and Silent Auctions and a Fundraiser

Join us for a Tribute for Service and Leadership as we honor Major General Robert H. Scales, Jr., Ph.D., U.S. Army Retired and Mr. Christopher Gleason with the inaugural Joseph E. McCarthy Visionary Leadership Award. We will be joined by special guests who will speak to the efforts of these gentlemen in the creation and expansion of the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center campus.

Special Guests providing testimonials include former Secretary of Defense General James Mattis, USMC Retired,  former Secretary of Homeland Security, the Honorable Thomas Ridge,  former TRADOC Commander, General William Hartzog, USA Retired Mr. Robert Gleason, former Chair of the Pennsylvania Republican Committee, Mr. Keith Gleason, senior executive of the Gleason Agency,  and Ms. Cindy Nimitz, former Vice President of Gleason Financial, Ltd.

The evening will also include live and silent auction and a fundraiser to support educational programming.  

Auction Items include vacations, battlefield tours, jewelry, historical prints, autographed sports memorabilia, and much more.

Silent Auction bidding will begin November 1 and will end one hour after the virtual live event ends, which begins at 7 PM (EST) on November 14. 

Registration and creating a login is required for this program.  Credit card information is NOT required for event registration or attendance.

We are also accepting sponsorships and  donations to support our programs.

For more information, please contact

Amanda Neal at

Phone: (717) 258-1102 or

Email: info@armyheritage.org


Register to attend at Event Site:   https://event.gives/armyheritage

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