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To the End of the World: Nathanael Greene, Charles Cornwallis, and the Race to the Dan with Andrew Waters

To the End of the World: Nathanael Greene, Charles Cornwallis, and the Race to the Dan with Andrew Waters

Although 1781’s Race to the Dan is today a little-known campaign of the American Revolution, it was a seminal moment for the Southern Department, what the Continental Army called the confederation of regulars and state militia that comprised the forces arrayed against Charles Cornwallis’s British troops in the American South. In this presentation, author Andrew Waters recaps the events of his book To the End of the World: Nathanael Greene, Charles Cornwallis, and the Race to the Dan (Westholme Publishing 2020) through a resiliency perspective, focusing on the role of adaptation and transformational leadership. Though badly outmanned by Cornwallis, Greene was able to adapt to the contingencies of the Southern terrain through innovation, foresight, and a brand of leadership that empowered the talents of his subordinates to orchestrate one of the most thrilling strategic retreats of the American Revolution, with important consequences at Yorktown a few months later.

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